Cod liver oil is beneficial for both physical and mental health. Incorporating cod liver oil in your diet is highly advised by nutritionists. It is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids which helps our body decrease blood pressure, improve eyesight and increase good cholesterol. Omega-3 fatty acids also have an important role in hormonal, reproductive, and neurological health.
The benefits derived from the consumption of cod liver oil daily in the required amount have a positive effect on our
Mental health and reducing depression
A study on the finding the efficacy of cod liver oil in reducing depression found that having omega-3 fatty acids, especially DHA and EPA has beneficial effects in terms of reducing depression.
Heart Health
Heart diseases are becoming common nowadays, especially in older people.
Studies suggest that consuming cod liver oil regularly lowers the chances of developing heart disease. This is probably because the availability of omega-3 fatty acids is in good amounts. Omega 3s have many advantages for the heart like reducing triglyceride, keeping blood pressure low, increasing (good) HDL cholesterol and preventing plaque from forming in arteries.
Skin and hair health
Skin and hair should be taken care of in a proper manner for better hygiene.
Applying cod liver oil on your skin removes the scratches and sunburns and gives a natural glow with fewer wrinkles.
Nowadays at a very young age, many people have to start wearing glasses. Our eyes are one of the most important parts of our body cod liver oil helps us in maintaining our good eyesight.
A major component of omega 3s is DHA which is also a major part of your retina.
So regular consumption will help you in having good eyesight, however, don’t take too much of it as it can result in vitamin A toxicity.
Helps in joints and bone health
Cod liver oil decreases inflammation and the anti-inflammatory
Improves brains working
Our brain has omega-3 fatty acids as a core component.
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